Breast Cancer management

Breast Cancer management in Kolkata

Breast Cancer management in Kolkata plays a significant role in the management of breast cancer, particularly in the realm of breast reconstruction following mastectomy (surgical removal of one or both breasts). Here’s how plastic surgery is involved in Breast Cancer management in Kolkata:

  1. Breast Reconstruction: Following mastectomy, many women opt for breast reconstruction to restore the appearance of their breasts. Plastic surgeons use various techniques to reconstruct the breasts, including:
    • Implant-based reconstruction: This involves placing breast implants to recreate the shape and size of the breasts.
    • Autologous (flap) reconstruction: This technique uses tissue from other parts of the patient’s body, such as the abdomen, buttocks, or back, to reconstruct the breasts.
    • Hybrid reconstruction: Some patients may benefit from a combination of implant-based and autologous reconstruction techniques.
  2. Timing of Reconstruction: Breast reconstruction can be performed either immediately at the time of mastectomy (immediate reconstruction) or at a later date (delayed reconstruction). The timing of reconstruction depends on factors such as the patient’s overall health, cancer treatment plan, and personal preferences.
  3. Options for Lumpectomy: In cases where breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy) is performed instead of mastectomy, plastic surgery techniques may also be used to improve breast symmetry and appearance. This may involve breast reduction, breast lift (mastopexy), or fat grafting to achieve optimal cosmetic results.
  4. Nipple Reconstruction: Plastic surgeons can also reconstruct the nipple and areola complex following mastectomy using various techniques, such as nipple reconstruction or nipple tattooing, to create a natural-looking appearance.
  5. Psychological Support: In addition to physical reconstruction, plastic surgeons play a crucial role in providing psychological support to breast cancer patients. They understand the emotional impact of breast cancer and work closely with patients to address their concerns and goals for breast reconstruction.
  6. Multidisciplinary Approach: Breast cancer management often involves a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including oncologists, breast surgeons, radiation oncologists, and plastic surgeons. This team collaborates to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each patient’s individual needs.
  7. Patient Education and Support: Plastic surgeons educate patients about the different options for breast reconstruction, including the benefits, risks, and potential outcomes. They also provide support throughout the decision-making process and post-operative recovery period.